Local Redmine installation

Work on the project is inseparably connected with work on various tasks. To facilitate your work on them, it is worth having a tool that will facilitate task management. One of such tools is Redmine.

Many engineers in their work met with Redmine. They have become accustomed to this tool and would also like to use it in home projects. Redmine is server software. So either we need to look for someone who will make Redmine available to others (usually a paid option), or to buy hosting and install it there (we have to pay for hosting), or install it locally on the computer. Because we are talking about home projects, so the last option is the most advantageous. First of all, it is free and we store all data locally.

Local Redmine installation

When installing Redmine, other components are also required, such as the server, database, etc. In addition to their installation, they must also be properly configured. Not everyone has the right knowledge, skills or time to look for solutions to installation problems to install and configure everything. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem.


And here is where Bitnami, the installer, enters the stage, with all the necessary things. Everything installs and configures itself! A brilliant solution! We just need to provide basic information, then go through the typical installer, and finally be patient, because the installation takes some time. Nevertheless, after its completion, Redmine will be immediately ready for action.

Let’s get started!

First we enter the site:
On the page we can choose the installer appropriate for our computer. I choose the installer for Windows. Then at the bottom of the page, click “Download for Windows 64-bit”:

In the newly opened window we can log in to our account in Bitnami or by clicking the last link to just download the installer.

Save the installer to disk. After downloading, run it.

First, choose the installer language.

Then we will be greeted with a welcome window. We move on.

In the next step we choose modules. We change nothing here. We leave all items marked.

Then choose the folder where you want to install all Redmine components.

Now we provide the data needed to configure the administrator account in Redmine. The data provided should be remembered.

In the next step we choose the language in which Redmine will be installed.

In this step, we can configure the connection to the mail server if we would like to receive notifications about changes in Redmine status.

In the next step, I personally deselected this option.

This is the last step. After that, the installation process will start. Be patient because this process takes some time.

After installation

After the installation is completed, a web browser will automatically open with the local address:

Now click on the “Access Redmine” link.

After that we will be transferred to the following address:

We did it! From now on, we have a locally installed Redmine.

Good luck with your projects! 🙂