LTspice – using a simple switch

The LTspice tool is a very powerful tool with an extensive library of elements. It allows you to simulate both simple and complex circuits. But sometimes we need simple elements. And one of such elements is a simple switch. Theoretically, it can be used to simulate transistors, but you need to select the appropriate operating

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LTspice – adding an IC to the schematic.

In one of my initial posts on this blog, I wrote how to add simple element models as a diode or a transistor to a schematic in LTspice (LTspice – adding an element model to the schema). At first glance, adding a diode model is a simple task due to the fact that we already

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LTspice – any waveform voltage source.

During simulation, sometimes we need a voltage source with a specific waveform. LTspice gives us the ability to create a text file with waveform values and then load it into the voltage source as a PWL file. Here’s how to do it.

Import SPICE model into TINA TI.

One of the most popular programs for simulating electronic circuits is PSPICE. Most manufacturers of electronic components do not have their own simulation programs. But in order to facilitate the work of engineers, they provide PSPICE models of their products. Fortunately, we are not limited only to PSPICe. In this post I will show you

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LTspice – adding an element model to the schema

LTSpice has a large built-in library of elements. But sometimes we need an element that is not in the library. Electronics manufacturers themselves provide models of elements that they publish in the form of text files.The easiest way is to add an element to the library. But sometimes I want to be able to send someone

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